Code compliance certificate application process

Your code compliance certificate application must be a complete, precise and accurate record of what was actually built on the site. Your council will normally require:

  • name and contact details of everyone involved in your project (designer, architect, builder, plumber, etc)
  • energy work certificates for any completed electrical or gas work
  • any producer statements (for example, from a Chartered Professional Engineer for a specific design or construction element)
  • licensed building practitioner certificates for restricted building work
  • information about any specified systems
  • an as-built services plan (for example, for plumbing or drainage)
  • roof truss installation certificate and plan
  • other installation certificates (for example, for cladding, waterproofing or tanking)
  • confirmation that all council fees have been paid.


The council has 20 working days from the date of your application to decide whether to issue a code compliance certificate. If they need more information, they will contact you and put the process on hold until the information is received (same timeframe as the project information memorandum and building consent processes).

If everything has been built according to your consented plans and meets the appropriate standards, your council will confirm this by issuing a code compliance certificate.

If the council isn’t satisfied that the building work complies with the consented documents, they must refuse to issue the code compliance certificate. They need to do this in writing, but we recommend councils give applicants the opportunity to resolve any non-compliance issues first.

If your application is declined, you can reapply once you have addressed any areas of non-compliance.